Ecostream™ 250ltr langų valymo bako sistema
1219,08 € su PVM
ECOSTREAM™ 250 ltr sistemos idealiai tinka mažesniems buitiniams langų valytuvams arba patalpų valdytojams.
Dėl savo kompaktiško dydžio ir to, kad visi komponentai yra talpykloje, šis gaminys užima mažai vietos net ir mažesniuose furgonuose, todėl lieka vietos kitai įrangai.
Visi rezervuarai yra užblokuoti, kad būtų apribotas vandens judėjimas gabenant. Cisternos taip pat leidžia tiesiai prie jų pritvirtinti siurblio, valdiklio, filtro ir žarnos ritės komponentus, taip užtikrinant geriausią kompaktiško dizaino panaudojimą ir maksimaliai padidinant furgono erdvę.
Galima rinktis iš 3 paketų, sukurtų taip, kad atitiktų visus poreikius – nuo tiesioginio vandens tiekimo įrenginių, t. y. tik siurblio ir valdiklio, iki demineralizacijos ir atvirkštinio osmoso sistemų arba abiejų derinio, atsižvelgiant į klientų poreikius.
ECO250 (No Filtration) Includes:
- 1 x STREAMLINE® SFC05 Digital Controller
- 1 x STREAMFLO® Pump 12v 100PSI / 4.5LPM c/w Inline Filter
- 2 x ECOSTREAM™ Z profile securing brackets (Securing Bolts not included as every vehicle will require different size bolts)
- 1 x Nylon Float Valve Shut-off on Tank Inlet
- 3m of 12mm Outlet hose c/w Female Hozelock Stop Connector
- 2m of wiring with croc clips to connect onto a 12v battery – (Please note a battery is not included with this system – (See LB16AH-L for an additional compact removable battery or SP85 for a Split charge relay kit to suit a EURO 5 vehicle)
ECO250-DI (DI Filtration) Includes the above spec plus:
- 1 x FILTERPLUS® 6×18, 7 Litre Filter Vessel filled with resin
- 1 x Nylon DI Filter Clamp and Mounting Board
- * Please note this system comes with “Hozelock Male Outlet connection on DI Vessel” instead of the “3m of 12mm Outlet hose c/w Female Hozelock Stop Connector”
ECO250-RODI (RO + DI Filtration) Includes all of the above spec plus:
- 1 x FILTERPLUS® Triple 10 inch Inline Prefilter Set – See replacement filter set KIT02310-001 (1 x Sediment, 1 x Carbon, 1 x Granular Activated Carbon)
- 1 x Reverse Osmosis Membrane Set (2 x FILTERPLUS® R-MR300) – Capable of producing up to 50 litres per hour, thus filling the 250l tank in roughly 5-6 hours
- 1 x HM Digital Handheld TDS/Temperature Meter With Carrying Case
Additional ECO250 Weights, Specifications, and Optional Extras:
- All ECOSTREAM™ Systems come as a “Supply Only Kits”. If you would like the system installed into a vehicle, please contact us for more information.
- The ECO250 systems are only available as Single Operator systems
- The HRM050-6050-0913 Hose Reel show in some of the images is an optional extra
- The ECO250 systems don’t include a battery – (See LB16AH-L for an additional compact removable battery or SP85 for a Split charge relay kit to suit a EURO 5 vehicle)
- Dry Weight 35.0kg (ECO250 Spec)
- Wet Weight 285.0kg (ECO250 Spec)
- Max Width 600mm (Inc Brackets)
- Max Height 800mm
- Max Length 1090mm
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